Clearaudio vs EAT turntables

Looking for a mid priced turntable/arm set up for my second system.  Trying to keep cost under $5K or so inclusive of a cartridge.

Options I'm considering: Clearaudio Performance DC with Satisfy arm,  and EAT C sharp.  

Or I've thought about a new SOTA Sapphire with a modest tonearm of some sort, though honestly if I bought a SOTA I would be tempted to go whole hog and get a NOVA with vacuum and a top flight arm, all of which is way over budget for my second rig.

The system for this: Naim CD5 digital player, Classe Audio DR5 preamp, Pass XA 25 amp, Joseph Audio Pulsar 2 Graphene on Sound Anchors, Synergistic cables.  Current table BTW is a vintage Pioneer PL600 with a Hana EL cartridge.

Of course the new table needs to be a significant step up from my current, which in all honesty is quite good for the $500 investment I have in it.

Anyone have experience with the above tables and can chime in??


Showing 1 response by goldprintaudio

What cartridge are you thinking about?  (or are you putting your Hana on the new table)

The Pure Fidelity Encore with OL Silver arm will be right around your price range, and it's also a very nice table.

(And yes, I'm a Pure Fidelity dealer)