Clearaudio " Innovation" - What?

Clearaudio has been around for a while and has quite a few well made models to cater for different ends of the vinyl market. I've noted their most recent models are called CA Innovation wood turntables which looks quite attractive where as I find most of their past acrylic models unappealing.

Calling their new model "Innovation" is a bit pretentious perhaps. I'm just wondering what true innovations has Clearaudio brought to the vinyl playback over the years? I'm curious to learn from those who has more knowledge on the subject.

Showing 4 responses by lewm

"Magnetic Drive"? Do you mean "Direct Drive" as used by a traditional belt-drive company that wants to disguise the fact that they have found the DD religion?
Or does the magnetic drive drive a belt that drives the platter? Which has also already been done by Transrotor. No slur on Clearaudio is intended. The point is that it is all marketing; there is very little new under the sun when it comes to turntables.
How about "Consumption", as in "conspicuous..."
But we won't be buying the "Malfunction", for sure.
Verdier, Kenwood (in the L07D), Transrotor, and EAR (among products I know about) have each done something like either the magnetic drive or the magnetic bearing descxribed above. This is not to say that the ideas are not good ones, just not new ones.
Dear Rockitman, There can be some "play" in the attraction or repulsion between two magnets. "Play" = compliance. So, even a direct-drive turntable could in that sense be said to have some compliance built into the system. All other turntable drive systems would have additional built-in compliance, depending upon how many energy interfaces there are between the motor and the platter, e.g., belts, idlers, magnetically attracted or repulsed or rotated elements.