Cleaning Phono Stylus- white residue

I have been an audiophile for many years but I am just a novice with analog. I have been using a Transfiguration Axia cartridge on a Vector 3 tonearm. I was wondering about the best way to clean the stylus. I have been using Record Research Lab LP#9 liquid stylus cleaner with brush. Although Transfiguration recommends holding the cartridge vertically, the Vector does not have a removable head shell. As such I've been gently taking the damp brush and moving it forward over the stylus. Recently I looked at the bottom of the cartridge near the stylus and noticed a white residue?? I'm wondering if this residue is related to the liquid cleaner and also hoping I didn't get any liquid into the cartridge mechanism. I read about using a dry Mr Clean Magic Eraser, lowering the stylus onto a small section of the eraser, and abandoning the liquids. Any advice from experienced analog lovers is most welcome! Thanks in advance.

Showing 2 responses by whart

Sunny- You mentioned newer formulations of SPT, but the Lyra website seems to offer only one SPT product- is that it (the latest formulation in what appears to be the same packaging)? I used this stuff when I had Lyra cartridges, but that was quite a while ago.
Agree you need to periodically inspect the stylus. Clean records also make a difference. :)
Brian- even a cheap jeweler's loupe should give you the magnification you need. You can buy one on Amazon. I'd keep any liquids away from the cantilever, cartridge underbody or suspension. If you have a dry brush, like a small painter's brush, see if you can't remove the dust from the cartridge housing using that; then use one of those stiffer stylus brushes (or ME, if you are inclined, but I'd dip, not scrape~ you should read up on using ME as a stylus cleaner before you deploy b/c it is basically a bunch of tiny fibers and you don't want to snag your stylus/cantilever in it and you still need to brush afterwards to remove any residue from the ME). I've gotten away from using liquid stylus cleaners and just use dry methods, but each to their own- Lyra obviously believes they are ok, and I used its stylus liquid when I ran their cartridges without a problem. I never used the RRL liquid- one concern I'd have is if the stylus is already dirty, whether applying a liquid to it would make it worse. I guess you should take a close look and try some dry cleaning first, in any case, no?