Cleaning out my closet

I am currently in the process of cleaning out my closet (aka "the stereo graveayrd"). I have a pair of blown ADS L-990s that I'm taking in to have repaired, as soon as I get my JBL Pro IIIs back from being refoamed. I have a pair of NHT 1.5 that sound great (I'm still on the fence as to keep them or sell them. As I've mentioned in another thread, I have a Luxman M02 amp that needs to be repaired. I also have the Luxman C02 preamp and the T02 tuner. Both in working order. I have an old Dual CS 505 turntable that still works well. I have an old Soundcraftsmen Equalizer that I don't know what to do with. This is not a sales pitch, I just need to decide if I still want it, want to invest in having some of it fixed, or just give it a decent burial.

What old gear do you have lurking in the closet?

Showing 1 response by bdgregory

Classifieds are free on Asylum, and there are a lot of guys trolling there for vintage gear (even if in need of repair) and even old parts to cannibalize. If you don't want to hassle with selling then take it to goodwill . . .