classe twenty five and classe fifteen

Hi there I am curious to what the differences are between these amp I am guessing that they are built the same years and they have the same design philosophy but the twenty five is the higher model, i cant seem to find to much info on the 25, any info would be greatly apperated.


Showing 3 responses by stereo5

I run the 15 amp with a tube preamp, specifically a Modulus 3A preamp. I am very happy with the marriage.
Jeez, the Model 10 amp was 120wpc, the 15 was 175wpc and the 25 was 250wpc. Taken directly from the specs in the owners manuals.   These are all into 8 ohms.  At 4 ohms they doubled their power.  I owned both the 10 and 15.  The 10 sounded better as the 15 was too dark sounding.  There is much better out there, used or not. 
Open the cover and look at the circuit boards.  The main board should say "designed by Glen Grue". if it is, its the 25.  The DR25 was designed by David Reish.  Glen Grue pushed him out when he took over the company.