Classe Phono Stage

Ok, ready to get roasted here but here go’s! Gave up the vinyl years ago for the convenience of CD’s. Please don’t chime in about sound difference. A dozen years ago I acquired a Classe CP-45 preamp which I love. My question is as many pre’s from that era have phono input jacks and a phono/aux position on the source knob, does it actually have a phono preamp or phono stage inside. Was it optional on this preamp or did they come standard. I’m considering a return to vinyl but this may be a deal breaker. I do have a streamer/DAC plugged into these input jacks and works great but again, does that mean that this preamp is turntable ready? Thanks for the love and stay safe Brothers and Sisters in Audio.

Showing 1 response by tooblue

If you have a line level source plugged into an input marked for phono with no issues I would venture to say it is a line level input with no phono built in. Enjoy the music.