Classe move to China

I've just learned that Classe has moved production to China. Has anyone taken delivery of a Made in China Classe product?

Will moving to China devalue the brand? Will quality suffer?

I am thinking of purchasing the new CA-M300 monoblocks, but this move has me hesitating.

Showing 33 responses by inna

And this is for Classe and others who will follow them. God speed their way to China or wherever else.
And here comes British-French alliance. I bet it is better than any Chinese/North Korean.
Classe made a mistake. They should've moved production to North Korea. Those people would work for food and the quality would be better than made anywhere else because it is real easy to enforce discipline there. Hell, they even made nuclear devices and delivery systems. Do you think they are of low quality? Let's hope not.
I want North Korean nuclear powered amp. One day perhaps.
And, yes, I don't care about Classe either but if Rowland moves to China...
I know Lamm won't. Don't ask me how I know it.
But I am concerned a little about Canada. Is it an increasing trend there too?
Anyway, I am tired of this brand of advanced capitalism and am going to become a hunter-gatherer which means I come and "gather" what I want.
Elizabeth put it in a very mild politically correct way, unlike the way I would have.
China is not a country, it is a civilization. Like India.
We'll be watching...
Iran is not a threat, it is a bullshit propaganda. By the way, they have an about 5000 years old great musical tradition. So not sure about amp but I would certainly buy Iranian speakers. They would be voiced well, believe you me.
Denmark is one thing, Sweden another, not to mention Norway.
Here's some French:
Chinese, Russians and Arabs buying up everything valuable in America including the currency, and they are concerned about Iran and even North Korea?
Well, if we continue like that we will soon be working at their factories in China and speak Mandarin.
Asteroid is going to hit the Earth soon enough and then all countries will be finished. And it will be all over again. Now that's fun.
And I forgot to mention that it is Chinese who will direct the asteroid's trajectory towards the Earth. China is already a space nation and in a few decades they will be far ahead of everyone else and eventually they will control space in our solar system and perhaps beyond. How is that for "scary" ?
Yeah, who do you think taught Japanese how to make cars, electronics etc. ? American designers and engineers. Not sure who taught them how to screw up with nuclear power though.
Back to sixties and seventies there were many American engineers who went to Japan because of opportunities to build something different from typical Detroit 20 feet long iron.
Kijanki, are you listening to what we are saying or what?
From what I heard Japan is changing and not a society of workaholics anymore, generally speaking. Many Germans are, in fact. Sickness goes around the world; it's viral in origin, I believe.
Let us be French for a change.
Actually, I thought that the best overall country today was Canada followed by Sweden. So this Classe thing saddens me.
Who am I to argue? You seem to have been there from the very first moment of creation.
No Japan or Japanese ways for me either. As for French - why not?
They are in debt too, by the way. What are they going to do about it, I wonder?
To return to the original subject, it appears that the vast majority of us don't like that Classe move. And though some of us are almost communists, some shark capitalists, and everything in-between, on this point we do find kind of consensus despite different schools of thought.
If universal health care is right, I would say that food, water, oxygen and housing are rights too. Heated housing and with electricity.
That would be no problem if I didn't think that American customs would accuse me of trying to poison the nation with unknown substances in retaliation for denying my face a fix. But I might be able to smuggle it inside made in China Classe. Hummus from Iran smuggled inside capacitors of Canadian made in China amp would probably be a unique way of delivering stuff. I would just need to figure out who would pay for that Classe.
It is not completely screwed up yet but probably getting there. Also, it seems to vary from region to region. I used to live in New Hampshire and now live in New York City area. Basically same insurance plan, but try to find a good doctor in New Hampshire. Difficult. In New York area it can easily be done though you do need to know where to look and how to assess.
Or grandma chasing everyone within her field of vision.
So if that Chinese Classe suddenly blows its content in my face, who is going to pay to fix my face including plastic surgery, Americans, Canadians or Chinese?
"Outsource your face to some other 3rd world contry".
That's funny, Nonoise. It also sounds reasonable. Where would I move it..? Well, though it is not a 3rd world country at all, I think I would send it to India maybe because they are in fierce competition with China or, even better, oh hell, to Iran. They would fix it for free in no time and would just ask me to say a few words on TV about American health care. I would both comply and insist.
French Canadians making amps for South Koreans..
What a strange brave new world.
I'll stick to American and European. I heard though that Rowland sells most of his stuff in Asia too but hopefully he doesn't tune his amps to Korean, Chinese, Malai etc. ear. Any fans of Korean music here?
" This is extremely primitive and paranoid culture"
Captain James T. Kirk, Star Trek - Voyage Home-
Audiogon now looks like ebay, look at the front page. Same as Classe moving to China. Can you comprehend this?
Survival of the fittest, the rest is irrelevant. But, the playing field should be fair as much as possible. And if your mother married a wrong man or your father married a wrong woman or they both married a wrong person, that's tough and there is nothing that can be done about it.
And no-one should tell anyone what to do with the dick.
As much as I dislike Fiddler's attitude, you, Microjeck, sound much worse and much less appropriate.