CLASSE - Great amps or highly flawed?

Some love them. Others criticize:

Highly colored.

Midrange nice, but euphonic & not accurate.

Highs rolled off, and given an electronic sheen.

Overall dark sound.

Imaging only so-so.

Lack transparency.

Textured sounding.

Bass somewhat lacking definition & loose.

What's your opinion??

Showing 2 responses by tweekerman

TO: all the above audiogoners (won't mention names) that are bashing Kev's all important thread: is classe worth the money Being new in this field its threads like this that keeps me from being sucked in by "professional" reviewers hype as well by big full page ads and some audiogoners biased opinions. If your research reveals a weakness in a product lets hear your opinion. If you disagree no reason to attempt to discredit the questioner. Remember this is the USA NOT russia... We've all fell into pitfalls along the way ie. bought what we wish we had'nt. Its these kind of threads that lead us to a better understanding of the products out there.
Xenon Now thats very good. I just ran out and bought a whole case of those Hostess cakes. Awesome!! The keyboard is covered in chocolate crumbs and ...i'm feeling abit, excuse me...bloated.. On to subject at hand. I,m sure classe makes a fine product. However if you go to audioreview and plug in Electro's EMC1 cdp , you'll find 33 beautiful gut soulful praises of this player. Hardly 1 bad word! I,m confident this superior craftsmanship is present in their amps as well. So if MR. Kevziek said the above about Electrocompaniet's amps, my first reaction would be anger. I would post "are you sure about what you're saying maybe you need to change the associated equipment and/or get your hearing checked" Then again i may totally ignore him. Most Electro. owners would ignore him as well. I find most "professional" reviewers comments confusing, at times not the truth. But i think they are learning. Read the review in Dec. issue of sterophile by Fremer on the Kora Cosmos($6K) vs. Audio research VTM200($11K) Kora took the prize. There may be something out there as good as AND maybe less expensive than the Kora,i don't know. Thats why i research on Audiogon. And thats why i like Kev's thread. Like i say sometimes you can spend more and get less and sometimes you can spend less and get the least. (least = repairs) Tah Tah