CLASSE - Great amps or highly flawed?

Some love them. Others criticize:

Highly colored.

Midrange nice, but euphonic & not accurate.

Highs rolled off, and given an electronic sheen.

Overall dark sound.

Imaging only so-so.

Lack transparency.

Textured sounding.

Bass somewhat lacking definition & loose.

What's your opinion??

Showing 3 responses by ohlala

It seems like those critics use Krell or some other bleach white(not colored) amp as a frame of reference. All I can really say, however, is that with my speakers (Hales), Classe is magic. The first time i heard the Hales/CA-300(store auditon) was the first time I was truely impressed with hi-fi. My heart pounded, my eyes watered & I even clinched the arms of the chair a bit. I have heard Hales with other amps, and I thought they sucked. Very boring, and/or hard on the ears. For SS, Classe rules.
God, who cares? Kevzeik had made up his mind by mid-October. I am just a little puzzled. He seems to be angry with Classe and/or the posters of this thread. And poor me, I will just have to wallow in the mud with my lowest of the low, the Classe 70.
Why are you getting so defensive and sensitive, Kevziek? Can't you take criticism of the internal validity of your findings? They are far from empirical. The fact is auditioning is more of a bottom-up process than most care to admit, and you certainly did not rule out bias in yours'.

I too have auditioned Classe along with other amps, in a quality system. And I was a professional musician. I know there are faults of the CA series and am sure there are better values than the 201, but I have found that it still competes with other price-like amps. I

It is not that I bow down to my amp, I just do not like the polarized, biased way this thread has started and has kept going. I also have no idea what you are after. Someone gives posts what they think, and you rebut them with Stereophile article. You listen to one, and shock of shocks, you don't like it. And the hole thing starts again. It is worth nothing, just like most other threads 'exploring' the inherent 'quality' of major-brand components. On their face, they may not be a bad idea, but I never seen one yield much benefit. You may have to email me with any personally directed comment. I'm done reading this thread.