I will comment a little further for anyone who is curios. Before tonight I was just playing through my Cambridge music streamer. Decided to check it out from a new Marantz ref (their top level) cd player. Much better. In particular the mid bass from the 804’s. I have them crossed over at 80 htz with 2 martin logan subs. The bass out of the 804s is much more pronounced tight and controlled than I have heard before. With this source level I can find no fault with this amp. Controlled, accurate and musical.
I am not quite sure how to express “musical” except to say I bought the B&W’s because they were the most pleasing to me off what I compared. Goldenear, Revel, Sonus Faber (which I do have for home theater). Btw I could have gotten the previous 804’s for half the price but I always felt the mid range was a little dry. The new continuom midrange on the d3 is just fluid and beautiful. So I bought these B&W’s because to my ear the bass is good (not quite deep enough but good quality) the mids are the most beautiful I have heard and the diamond tweeters clear and detailed enough to catch my attention but not harsh or overwhelming the rest of the speaker (like the new 700 series). And all the drivers mesh great. So when I say this amp is musical what I mean is it perfectly accentuates the speakers. Just brings out the best of them and lets them shine.
I am rather impressed with what Classe did here. It sounds like a really nice class a/b amp but has the power on tap from a class d. No regrets on my end. I do believe it will stay in this system for at least the next five years. I am happy to say that because it has been a journey of trying and building. I think the only little bit more I can get is upgrading the interconnects.