Classe Audio products, past vs. now?

Just a wonderment that you may be able to help with.  I had owned quite a few Classe Audio components at one time.  Owned their best pre and power, CD player and even the Tuner-1.   I had enjoyed their units and liked the sound of the CD player with the Ultra Analog chip.  With this said, where does Classe Audio stand today?  Do they still pursue SOTA 2-channel audio or have they sold out to "home theater"?  


Showing 1 response by rbstehno

I have owned many Classe pieces during the last 17 years: ca-200 amp, cp47.5 and cp60 preamps, their cdp10, a couple of their recently the ct-m300 monoblocks. Classe gear has a nice warm sound to them. The  Classe monoblocks sounded very nice, and these monoblocks has nice features. I bought these amps to power up my new usher   x-tower. After a few months I traded the monoblocks in for a ps audio bhk 250 watt. In a different league. I had the Classe ca-200 for many years and like them driving a few pairs of totem model 1, and the arros, and a couple of mani 2’s.