Classe 15 vs Classe CA200

Between the Classe 15 and the Classe CA200 power amplifiers, which would be a better match for a system with a tube preamp. I like and listen to all types of music. Please note that the difference in power (175 WPC vs 200 WPC) is not important. Your comments and recommendations  are greatly appreciated.

Showing 1 response by tonykay

Everyone has an opinion. FWIW, I use a Classe Audio DR-15 with an MFA Magus C tube preamp through Sonus Faber Electa Amator speakers. The combination sounds great to me. I wish I had bought that audio rack from "stereo5", I would really like to have a second DR-15. I just remembered that there were two 15’s, the DR-15 was while David Reich was with Classe. The designation changed after he left to just 15. I believe the designer who replaced him was Glen Grue. I called him about phono resistors in my Classe Audio DR-6 preamp. As I recall, he was very helpful.