Class D is just Dandy!

I thought it was time we had a pro- Class D thread. There's plenty of threads about comparisons, or detractors of Class D.

That's fine, you don't have to like Class D amps, and if you don't please go participate on one of those threads.

For those of us who are very happy and excited about having musical, capable amps that we can afford to keep on 24/7 and don't require large spaces to put them in, this thread is for you.

Please share your experiences with class D amps!
celander:  " I suspect some type of class A-class D hybrid will likely be the future for all class D topologies."

    There are currently class D amps using the topology of both transistor and tube analog class A input stages combined with analog class D switching power amplifier stages. 
      I've never auditioned any of these amps but did read a very good professional review on 6Moons about the French DeVailet solid state hybrid integrated class A-class D hybrid.amp.  The reviewer loved it but it was uber-expensve like most of the best traditional amps are and always have been. during the past century and possibly for another century.
     Perhaps the most significant  aspect of the many good class D amps is their affordability.  From my perspective, the egalitarian nature of class D technology is a beautiful thing, bringing extraordinarily high sound quality to an increasing number of individuals' systems that otherwise would not be able to afford and experience it.
     I'm hoping the future of class D topologies is a bit more interesting than just relatively expensive hybrids.  The inventor/designer of both Ice and Hypex NCore  class D amp module technology, Bruno Putzeys, has stated he's able to design class D amps that sound like any traditional class A, tube or hybrid amp topology desired.
     I wonder if he could design an affordable class D amp that could mimic the sound characteristics of the best current and past examples of traditional amps, along with the best example of independent class D amp sota efforts, that is user selectable. 
     A guy or gal can still day dream, right?

Hi guys
is this thread redundant?  
im thinking of the Peachtree Nova 150.
Any owners?
im wondering why they’ve gone back to Ice for this line. Didn’t they use Hypex previously?
Also won’t eGaN make all these redundant quite soon?
im thinking of the Peachtree Nova 150

I remember the Peachtree importer a friend of mine here in Australia demo’ing me a pair of midrange floor standing Focals to be our Audio Clubs "house" speaker, which he also imports, as well as Krell amps.

He was using the Peachtree at the time because he had no Krell’s handy, and quietly said to me the Peachtree isn’t very good, you should hear these Focal’s with the small integrated Krell feeding them.

Cheers George
Hi @eddiet

I never heard one.  Ended up with the NAD equivalent and very happy.  They use a hybrid , almost like a Class H, Class D and Class A in one, designed by Hypex. No, the new transistors won't make anything obsolete, but sure will make things more expensive.
