Class D is just Dandy!

I thought it was time we had a pro- Class D thread. There's plenty of threads about comparisons, or detractors of Class D.

That's fine, you don't have to like Class D amps, and if you don't please go participate on one of those threads.

For those of us who are very happy and excited about having musical, capable amps that we can afford to keep on 24/7 and don't require large spaces to put them in, this thread is for you.

Please share your experiences with class D amps!

Showing 12 responses by samac


Congrats. The Peachtree was on my shortlist. It is a great amp. I just received a NuPrime IDA-16. It's only been a few hours and I'm really liking what I'm hearing. Let the break-in begin. I'm sure with a DAC and an amp inside I'm in for a ride.

How many hours do you have in your Peachtree?



Very cool. Peachtree and Dynaudio, well played. You have some great gear. Enjoy!



Thanks for the heads-up. I was not familiar with the new Pioneer Class-D AVRs. They look great.




Thanks for starting this. I had just ordered a NuPrime IDA-16 class-D amp when this popped up.

It is a great amp. Many have already described how good class-D can be so I won't go into that. I'll just say I concur.

Anyone looking for an amp owe it to themselves to at least check out some class-D offerings.

It's new and I'm only a week in with about 70 hours on it but my NuPrime is the most satisfying amp I've listened to since giving up my octal tube pre/845 SET amp. No, it doesn't sound like tubes but it so musical and easy to listen to.

Here's to class-D!



The Wyred 4 Sound STi v.2 integrateds were on my list. They do not have a dac. The Wyred gear is very well reviewed and there are many happy users out there.



Lots of great info and feedback on the "big boys" in class D (B&O, Hypex, Pascal).

I've been using the NuPrime IDA-16, which uses proprietary modules and I'm really liking what I'm hearing. So much so that I'm pretty sure it's staying (45 day trial period). 

Anyway, anybody else using class-D amps from manufactures "rolling" their own modules?



Thanks, Erik, great info. I had no idea it might mimic or be similar to other designs.

It’s my first adventure with class-D so I have no idea if it’s better or even as good as Hypex, B&O or Pascal. I do know I like everything about it so far. It’s the easiest amp to listen to since my octal pre/845 SET combo. Refined and smooth with no listening fatigue at all.

I hope you do check out NuPrime. Would love to get your thoughts on how they fare against some of the competition out there.

Keep it coming, guys. This is a great thread.



I'm glad you mentioned break-in hours again. I'm at 300 hours with my amp and it continues to settle in and get better.

Do you feel the lengthy break-in associated with class-D runs across the board? As I mentioned above I am running an amp that does not use the more common modules. So wondering if you believe it will also "season" and settle in past the 1000 hour mark. Honestly wouldn't surprise me if it does. Anything I've purchased fromDACs to speaker to amps have taken months to fully bed-in.




Thanks for the reply. Looking forward to what more hours will reveal. It's been a great ride so far. 



"system synergy" and "system compatibility".

This is one of the reasons I was more then happy to go with a class-D integrated.😀



I bet the NuPrime/Amphion combo is excellent. I'm a month in with my IDA16 and I love it. I'm using it with Bowers and Wlikins 683 S2s. With the sound I'm getting I have to believe the DAC in it is outstanding as well. Yeah, the feel of the buttons on the remote and the front panel are lacking a bit but they work very well. The volume control on the IDA-16 is fantastic, it tracks beautifully.

I agree with you. There is nothing fatiguing about it . It is refined and powerful.

