Class D for a Tube Lover

First, I'm sure this has been asked many times but searching the subject wasn't too helpful to me.

So apologies in advance.

I enjoy tubed electronics and class A amps, which tend to be a bit warm.  My current Cary 805s warm my small (12x16) music room even in the cool/cold of winter.  I've got other amps that don't produce much heat, but am looking for something that produces no heat.  Living in a home with no central AC the room gets uncomfortably hot during the summer months.

So...I'd like to try some Class D amps.  Stereo or mono is just fine.  And my speakers aren't difficult to drive so I don't need a thousand watts.  But if that thousand watt amp sounds great, I'm not adverse to that, either.

I'd like to keep the price under 2k used.  

Please help.



Showing 8 responses by audiodwebe

The Audions look very futuristic to me, like they somehow made improvements to tubes electronics.  

I hope lots of people buy them, tire of them, and sell them at discounted prices until bottom dwellers like me can afford them.

I'd like to hear them at some point.

Do keep me (us) informed.


tcatch:  What made the M700 better than the S300 in your view?
I never realized the likes of Audio Research, Rogue or even PS Audio had Class D amps in their caralogue.  So many brands and models I've never heard of.  Looks like I'll have a lot to look into.  

I've got quite a few different speakers that get rotated out (Dunlavy SC-I, JMR Trente, LS50, Totem M1S, Merlin TSM, C&C Abby, blah blah).  I counted yesterday as I had to rearrange where the speakers are stored and I have 20 pairs.  Stupid, I realize.

So an amp that's able to drive a good variety of speakers is a must.
I saw another thread about the AGD Audion.  

How'd they get all that stuff inside a tube?  It's like those ships in a bottle.  Black magic, I say.

Intrigued.  Saw price.  Intrigued no more.

Class D amps have lots of terminology associated with them that I haven't heard before.  It's like being new to audio after 40 years.  Kind of cool.

Thanks for all your suggestions.  I really do appreciate it.
Thank you, everyone.

I’ve not heard of Ralph Karsten or Nord but will look them up. Will also check out the PS Audio amp. I’ve got a few PS Audio products and like them very much.  
Thanks for the suggestions.  I didn't realize PS Audio's catalogue had Class D amps.  I guess I never really thought about it until the heat the Cary's created in my music room even this early in springtime where it's still a bit cool to chilly outside got me a bit concerned.  I've had them for probably 4-6 months so not during the summertime.  They will not be in use in another few months.

I've got more amps but they're either tubed or Class A, for the most part.  I do have one amp that I haven't used in a long time that might not generate heat but I honestly do not recall.  May try that one out first after the temperature in the PNW rises.  BTW, it's a Marsh A400S.  And I've got the matching preamp P2000T so that just might be the ticket.  The other preamps I have are both tubes (though small tubes so not too much heat generated).

I realize component matching can be an issue but I'm of the mind that any  component with reasonable quality will play fairly nicely with other components.  I don't think I've ever inserted a piece of gear into my system which caused it to totally suck.  Different?  Sure.  But suck?  Not really.  Maybe I've been lucky or I'm not a critical listener.

I think I listen to music as opposed to hardware.  But I do have a lot of gear.  I just like the stuff. 

Do any of us "need" more than one of anything, really?  
Thanks, everyone, for the continued suggestions and information on the various amps.

Around what year, in your opinions, did Class D amps come into their own?  

On a side note, I suck!  Here I am getting all this info and I went ahead and ordered the BoyuuRang A50 Mk III because I'm curious about an amp with 300b output tubes.  I have amps that use the 300b as drivers and other tubes as outputs.

Damn Steve Guttenberg!

Sorry, everyone.  Please don't flog me, as I am still in the market for a Class D amp for the summer months.

As audiophiles I think we overthink things sometimes.  At least I do.

I bought a window AC.