Class-D Audio USA have just released their new GaN amp at the CES

Class-D Audio USA have finally shown their GaN based Class-D at the CES, anyone see/hear it?
It should be well priced.
Wonder if they went the extra yards/cost for the higher 1.5mhz switching frequency, like the mighty Technics SE-R1.

On Jan 23, 2020 at 6:14 PM, Sales <> wrote:
Hi George,
Yes, our new GaN amp was just at the CES show a few weeks ago, and was a big success. If you email me tomorrow and remind me, I can provide more information... I’ll try to remember to email when I get to work, but sometimes I get pulled many directions when I get there.
CES report on GaN

Cheers George

Showing 3 responses by asvjerry

Thanks for the 'insider's view', George.  If the development of D-amps continues at the current pace, the 60 lb.blocks can finally stop heating listening rooms....

I'm being facetious, but have always thought that the technology would mature quickly, given it's widespread applications already.

From little acorns, mighty oaks....;)

Have a great weekend, J
@hickamore....*L* Yup, and the landscape changes beneath your feet.

I'm a SS person myself, but having grown up with tubes and lived through the  transistor>chip>integrated circuit>MB 'eras', the 'new' is all I've known....*G*

I can appreciate the 'romance of tubes', and their 'sound'.  But 'smaller/faster/lighter' and eventually 'better' is the march we live with.

Of course, the 'better' issue is one that's still up to one to define and decide for one's self.  And I'm good with that...*S*

"I've been Ayn Randed, nearly branded
a Communist, 'cuz I'm left handed.

But that's the hand to use!
Well, never mind." - A Simple Desultory Philippic - Paul Simon.

Right handed myself...not that it's right, nor just Is. ;)

Have a good weekend, however handed...;)
The brochure brings to mind looking over a 'pro audio amp', as would be used in a live music venue.  It's front panel is one 'visually'; XLR's , as far as I aware, are still uncommon in 'audiophile' (sic) amps....

Personally, I don't have any issues with either; I use Behringer digital eq's and a crossover. along with a splitter/mixer.  1/4" jacks and XLR's exclusively..RCA? Nope. But I don't have a problem over 'gender bending'. *L* 

Or 'rack mounting' either.  And the $ seems fair for SOTA stuff..

At CES, that wasn't likely an issue...if you go to AXPONA, there might be some 'pushback' or consternation over that...

When I was 'newer' than I am now, Crown was a fav for audio, but now...mostly pro app amps...

But I suppose it's where you sense your market is, and more power to you. *G*  No pun intended, but there it is.... ;)

Cheerfully yours....