Hi. Has there been favorable review on any LOW powered,(Klipsch friendly) Class D amps? Any recommendation? I’ve had a Cary at 125 WPC which to me sounded dry with prominent bass, but nothing with AB smoothness or Class A midrange, that would work on Heritage Cornwall?


Showing 1 response by vthokie83

Agree Ralph's Class D amps would be a great companion.

Take a look at the CODA S5.5, if you'd like Class A to consider. 50WPC in Class A, much more in A/B, and 100 AMPs current delivery. I've not heard them with Klipsch speakers, but many times with Volti Razz speakers where they were a brilliant pairing. I have one that happily drives: Buchardt Audio S400 MKIIs, Clayton Shaw Caladans, Thiel CS 2.3s, and even old school Infinity RS Kappa 7s