Class A Watts

Are class A watts more powerful then class AB, or is a watt just a watt. In other words would a 100 watt class A amp struggle with speakers that a 200 Watt class AB amp can handle just fine? I guess current would matter as well. Anyway, I was just curious.

Showing 2 responses by phd

A watt is a watt unless you are comparing ss watts to tubes watts. Although many people feel that Class A amps sound tubish and it might hold some water but honestly I think they have their own particular sound and would definately give a favorable nod to the pure Class A designs over Class AB. I have heard some digital switching amps that come very close to the tube sound but in the end they still sound more like very good solid state.
Bombaywalla, you know what is, watt for watt tube amps appear to have more power and it could be due to the fact that tube amps clip more softly. Are you buying this?