Class A Tube integrated amp running 100% volume

Hi, has anyone tried this?

I have a Theta DAC, passive pre-amp and a prototype Class A 2A3 integrated amp (all tube from PSU through to output transformers). The amp sounds great but due to it being a prototype has a volume pot and switch that (let's be kind) aren't the best (and creaky). If I plug in my passive pre (with switched resistors) and have the volume on the integrated at 100%, the sound quality is elevated brilliantly. Now, obvious question. Am I damaging my amp running at 100% volume even though my pre-amp is attenuating? 

Thank you for your help in what might seem a really dumb question.



Showing 1 response by carlsbad

I have several integrated tube amps and run them all at full volume.  Your report that you can hear the audible difference is exactly what is predicted.  Indeed, the volume control is an area where cost or design can result in compromises that harm sound quality.  A good volume control knob will have an excellent contact a full clockwise to jumper the resistors, pots, or whatever is used to control volume out of the circuit.  I have toyed with the idea of going into the amps and actually wiring around the volume control circuits but I have found that the full volume setting works fine.  My amps generally have a resistive ladder which is better but even with it I generally have less noise at full volume.

Using an integrated like has a nice advantage.  You now have an amp with multiple inputs.  I use a spare set of inputs for HT bypass.  

Of course you aren't damaging anything.  You are using your amp as an amp.
