Class A amps

I've read a few articles on class A amps but still don't have a good understanding of how it affects sound quality. I've even seen amps which can be swithced into class A mode or AB. Does anyone have experience with this type of unit? Does class A have a true audible advantage or can it be detected only by test instruments? If it is audible, in what resepects? Thanks, Rick M.

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Lets be perfectly honest here folks, who actually listens to music on output levels of 50 watt and above

I use way more than 50 watts, my apogee duetta 2 speakers are not very sensitive, but they sound phenomenal. 
Take it up with Nelson Pass. The Messiah of solid state class-A amplification (not you)
And why his top of the line amps are low power Class-A!! and always have been.

Aren't his top of the line amps the XS series, which are not low power.