Class-A Amplification and 15 Amp Outlet

Pardon my electrical theory ignorance, but I have always been intrigued by the beauty of Class - A sound, as such, I am actively exploring a purchase. My question is based upon the power draw (even at idle) and the ability of a 15 Amp wall outlet to provide such without tripping. I have looked at the "big boys" from Pass XA160’s, Gryphons Essence Stereo & Antileon EVO to name a few. I do not have the option of installing a dedicated circuit in my unit. So, would I be ok if the electronics (including a DAC/preamp) were on the same circuit?



Showing 3 responses by carlsbad

Of course if you believe the simple mathematical explanation above, then you think that expensive large gauge power cords are snake oil. --Jerry

@noske  if you think all an amplifier needs is the power to drive the average wattage on the spec sheet, then you can power most amps with a lamp cord.  Unfortunately a little knowledge is sometimes a dangerous thing and figuring out that V=IR does not make you an electrical engineer.  --Jerry


@noske Just to be clear, I am not suggesting using a lamp cord to power your amp.  I use 10ga power cords.  I have a dedicated 10ga power circuit to my audio system.  My point is that the average power consumption by your amp, mine pulls 400 watts to produce 35 wpc, is irrelevant when sizing the power supply to your amp.  --Jerry