Clapton tour

Anybody seen his tour this time around?
Thanks, I have also seen him alot and I was hoping for maybe something more in the vein of 24 Nights. Thanks again.
Very relaxed in demeanor and attire. I saw him in Houston which I believe was his first stop after a hiatus in Antigua where he maintains a home (compound). He played some uncharacteristic material such one Judy Garland tune. Alot of the material he presented was from the new Reptile recording which is the purpose of the current tour. He also played some of the old material with new arrangemental twists such as an acoustic version of "Bellbottom Blues" that was wonderful.

This is the sixth or seventh time I have seen Clapton in the last 30 years and I have never seen him exude such a relaxed and content air. That became glowingly evident due to his non-musical interaction with the audience which never happened before.

See him if you have the opportunity because quality handmade music that stands on it's own after decades is so rare these days in music, and he like the rest of our generation is not getting any younger.