Clapton Me and Robert Johnson

This is a great CD! Well recorded, buttoned up band, and Clapton at his best! This one you'll play all fourteen tracks without moving...

Showing 1 response by wildoats

What I'd like to know, does Eric play his guitar on this album? Does Eric sing in his own voice, or does he try to sound like an old bluesman like he did sometimes on "Cradle?"

Clapton is a hard guy to figure out? He has the gift of being a great guitarist. He also sings pretty good, I reference songs like "Hard Times", or "Bell Bottom Blues." Yet, at times he seems to feel guilty, or embarassed to let his guitar rip, or be known as a virtuoso guitar player. Plain and simply when Eric lets himself go, he runs with the best of them, bar none. He is one of the few white bluesman (SRV was another)who has always had the respect of the greats such as Muddy, Buddy, and BB.

He is so disappointing mainly because of the pop crap he is intent on mixing with his occasional great blues jams. He lacks credibility as a bluesman sometimes because HE doesn't seem to know if he is one or not, himself.

He has a perfect right to play whatever he likes, but can you imagine someone like Duane Allman, SRV, or Muddy playing some of the crap he's put out.

If he wanted, he could blow most so-called "hot" blues guitarists out of the water. The one thing Clapton has, when he wants to play, is a unique style and grace that few if any other contemporary guitarists have. He doesn't have to always play 100 miles an hour to sound impressive. His chops are undeniable.

Unfortunately, he so often downplays his genius, and refuses to be what he really is, a great blues guitarist and artist.