CJ Solid State Amp with McIntosh Tube Preamp

I am curious if anyone has experience with using a solid state Conrad Johnson amp with a McIntosh tube preamp?  I have a Conrad Johnson MF2550 250wpc amp and I want to pair it with a McIntosh C2500 tube preamp.  Presently I am using the CJ amp with a Rogue RP-5 tube preamp.  My reasons for changing are I want tone controls which the McIntosh has plus I can adjust the loading of my moving coil cartridge via remote on the fly with the McIntosh preamp.  I should be receiving the preamp by the end of next week from Audio Classics.   If the sound isn't to my liking with the CJ amp, I will sell it and purchase a McIntosh power amp, but I hope I do not have to.

Showing 1 response by oddiofyl

The new generation of McIntosh preamps are really nice.... it should sound great....please report back.