cj pv 11 with ar vt60

i am using a cj pv11 with an ar vt60 with tdl transmission line speakers. My question, is the pv11 a problem due to an impedance mismatch?The bass on the system is not overly great. I like the open sound stage and musicallity of the pv 11 but need a bit more bass.Im on a limited budget and would like to get the best bang for buck.Would a preamp upgrade be the best path or the speakers.Im using good quality audioquest interconnects and speaker wire and a denon sacd player.Looking to invest in a turntable in the future.Have tube rolled to cleartops and minniwatt in the cj and tungsol reissues + sq 6922s in the vt 60 any suggestions most wecome .thanks
Sounds more like an amplification issue to me not pre-amp. Need to know more about the efficiency of your speakers and the type of music you listen to. What the power output of your current amplifier is as it may not have the horespower need to drive your speakers.