CJ MF2200 or Threshold CAS-2?

I have owned each of these amps and used one or the other in my main system for many years. Though I have enjoyed them both, the time has come to part with one of the two, so I would appreciate inputs from the group on which I should keep. The prices they would each fetch are NOT a concern, but rather which is best for my current listening. That said, I have also dabbled with the thought of selling both and going with something completely different. The counterpoint is that retirement and having a smaller listening space leave me with less interest in experimentation than in my younger years. In addition to the amps, here is my current set up: Supratek Chardonnay tube preamp (has built in phono stage), Golden Ear Triton 7 speakers. Sources: Michell Gyro TT w/ Rega arm and Zyx cartridge (90% of listening), Revox A-77 R2R, Cambridge Audio CD. Eye candy: Mac MI-3 

Anyone care to weigh in with an opinion?


Showing 2 responses by richmon

@jmarki ... guess I want to walk back by suggestion, being as the speakers and amp are partners, your speakers are already at the level of the amps you have and likely wouldn[t respond to an amp upgrade as much as mine did (I way upgraded my speakers, so way upgrading my amp was called for.).

I use audiogon classifieds, ebay and https://www.usaudiomart.com/ to see what others are getting for the equipement I'm looking to sell.

All the best.

Agree with russ69, I had the MF2250 paired with Supratek Chenin and Revel M106 bookshelfs, and at low volume it delivered warmth, detail and soundstaging. Had it for 20 years.

Fast forward to present, I retired and bought Magico A3's and started listening at much louder levels since I'd been missing bass impact with the bookshelfs and now had it in spades with the Magico's. I blew up the Connie J playing at concert volume and replaced with Hegel H20, double the price of the MF2250. Better detail, more impact, more soundstage and a touch less warm but still not clinical.

New amp and new speakers re-kindled my listening enthusiam, I'd sell both and get somehing higher up the food chain -- don't let the music light dim!