Chose Denon for speakers

After listening to many receivers I ended up liking the Denon 3803 the best and am now looking for speakers. I am mostly an HT person but would really like to listen to more music with some that sounds enjoyable. I listened to the Sonus Concertino and Vienna Haydn at tweeter and really liked the sound of the Concertino on the 5803. Am I goign to get that same sound on the 3803... any other suggestions would be appreciated because I also like the Vandersteen 2ce, Paradigm 60, Klipsch RF7.....

Showing 1 response by darink1978

I recently installed the 3803 and after listening to Paradigm Studios, Def Tech, Vandersteen, Boston, M&K, Energy, and B&W I chose the B&W CDM NT line. I'm using 7NT's for the front with the CNT and 1NT's to round it out. Give them a listen and make sure they are well broken in as their sound changes dramatically after burn in. Honestly I was worried at first when I unpacked them and wondered if I missed the boat on the speakers or the receiver. However, after 2 months they are really starting to open up and remind me why I chose them. BTW, I'd also audition Revel if you can find them as I've read nothing but glowing reviews. Have fun!