Chord Mojo volume button problem

My Chord Mojo is stuck in line mode and I can't get it to switch back to variable mode. After removing the case cover I discovered that the membranes on the volume pads between the "balls" and the board had worn off. Not on just one, but on both. It's now out of warranty. I should be able to get it repaired but it's very disappointing to see a failure like this, especially considering the light usage I have on it. 

I purchased it two years ago to use when travelling. I've probably logged 10 hours using it as a mobile dac. In between trips I occasionally used it line mode in my main system to play some 2XDSD and 4XDSD files I have because my main DAC does not play that high. I don't know how many times I pressed the volume buttons but it can't be close to the typical wear put on volume buttons on a mobile dac like this.

I've searched and found many other posts about different problems with the Mojo but nothing on the buttons failing. Has anyone had this problem?

Is it difficult to replace those volume pads? The look like they are just soldered to the board. Where would I find replacements?


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