Chord Huei Phono

Good morning;

I am wondering if anybody has listened to the new Huei phono.

I have been delighted with the Chord Quetest for digital. It allows a full range in modifying the sounds to your liking 

I’m wondering how Huei compares to other phono, sections especially Musical Surroundings Phenomena 


I know at least one member here has one and is impressed.
Hopefully he will see this and comment.

I’ve been enjoying the Huei for the past few weeks. Very versatile unit, and performance is wonderful for the price. Not sure it’ll be in my system for the long run (which for me is over 2 months, ha) but we will see as it probably needs more hours on it to really open up.

Wonderful versatility (loading & gain choices)
Great tonal balance
Small form factor
Balanced & single ended outputs

Wall-wart power supply (if such things turn you off)
Not the best in noise floor, especially with MC carts

I also plan on auditioning the new Stellar Phono by PS Audio. That is a bit pricier too.

Rob, now that you have had the Huei for time to allow it to break in. Have you changed your opinion on its performance? I have been considering one for a Lyra Kleos and would appreciate your sharing your experience thus far.

thank you