Pressings are really a case by case thing in my experience. As such, SH Forum is a great resource to find out about particular pressings. My go-to site for vinyl related questions.
That said, there are some details that can help you make educated decisions.
1) where the LP was pressed (currently IME: Good=QRP, RTI or Pallas;Bad/Inconsistent=United, Rainbo; Rainbo for example pressed the Beatles reissues which there are tons of QC complaints about).
2) Who remastered the record (Safe bets: Hoffman, Gray, Bellman)
3) Limitations of the original pressings (poor vinyl quality, rolled off in the bass, poor pressing plant)
There have been some fabulous reissues lately, that were clearly superior to my early pressings: QRP's Tea For the Tillerman, MoFi's Music From the Big Pink and the Basement Tapes jump to mind.
That said, there are some details that can help you make educated decisions.
1) where the LP was pressed (currently IME: Good=QRP, RTI or Pallas;Bad/Inconsistent=United, Rainbo; Rainbo for example pressed the Beatles reissues which there are tons of QC complaints about).
2) Who remastered the record (Safe bets: Hoffman, Gray, Bellman)
3) Limitations of the original pressings (poor vinyl quality, rolled off in the bass, poor pressing plant)
There have been some fabulous reissues lately, that were clearly superior to my early pressings: QRP's Tea For the Tillerman, MoFi's Music From the Big Pink and the Basement Tapes jump to mind.