Choosing between Reissue and Original pressings

Reissues have been common since quite some time but these days as vinyl has picked up momentum again, there have been some very high quality reissues from labels like Classic, Analogue Productions, Speakers corner, MFSL, Boxstar etc. For any particular album how do you decide whether buy a good reissue or get a good copy of original pressing from ebay ?

For the sake of discussion lets keep out exceptions where the original pressing is too hard to get or too expensive. In most cases it is possible to buy a copy of original pressing for sane amount of money if one shops carefully on ebay but I have also found that quite a few times a high quality reissue can sound better. Whats the general thought among hardcore vinyl followers here ?

Showing 1 response by les_creative_edge

Original copies today can be a 'pot luck'. Even if the vinyl LOOKS good to the eye under good light it may not playback well. Groove damage by an improperly set up cartridge or a worn stylus is not able to be seen under even good light by the naked eye. Damage due to static discharges from all too many previous plays (a severe enough static pop will likely create micro craters in the vinyl groove) also cannot be seen. That said a good condition original esp. pre say 1985 will probably sound good.

New vinyl today as remastered copies can sound fabulous but too can be hit or miss depending on the quality of remastering and the quality of the new pressings. But all in all they should be payable and enjoyable. You do get guaranteed nice clean covers and inside liner sleeves as a bonus.

It's all pros and cons be it sourcing out older vinyl or buying new pressings.