Choosing between ATC or Emerald Physics

In the upgrade process of a secondary system for the living room, I'm planning to change the speakers. Actually the components are: a tunned Oppo as transport, Paradisea DAC, a recently arrived Wyred 4 Sound STI-1000 integrated amp, Opera Mezza bookshelves... the matching is excelent and the system sounds very, very good with the new amp.

Previously I selected 2 speakers: ATC SCM-19 and Emerald Physics CS3. Now I have to choose between them... any suggestions ??
10-14-10: Budt
"You stated "the system sounds very,very good". So why in the world would you change anything? This simply doesn't make any sense."

Makes perfect sense to me.
Yep !!, the Operas are very good, and sounds musical, with great image and weight for his size... I know that the ATC's and the EP CS3 has a less laid back and forgiving nature, but I think both are more precise and real sounding speakers.
If you have the amplifier muscle for the ATCs, by all means, the ATC gets my vote.
Very good sounding speakers...