Choosing a new turntable

Hello to everyone. I’m in the process of wanting to replace my turntable. My three choices are 1- Wand Master black, 2- Mofi Masterdeck and 3- Dr. Fiekert  Woodpecker. I would appreciate any experiences anyone here has with any of these TT .Thanks!


Showing 2 responses by lewm

Not that I want to perpetuate an argument about head shells, but I always thought Reed and Schroeder tone arms are in a group that have non-detachable head shells. At least that applies to my own Reed tonearm, and any Schroeder tonearm I have ever seen in person. And your list is largely a chronological one. There was a time in pre-CD history when every tone arm had a detachable headshell, except maybe the Triplanar (late 1980s) might have been the first to have a non-detachable head shell. Since the turn of this century, there are many newer tone arms that have non-detachable head shells. That anti-feature seems more likely in the most expensive examples, oddly enough. Not that I care either way.

I think what you see on the Schroeder, the single screw, allows for adjustment of headshell offset angle, not for headshell removal. Same for Reed.

Following one other discussion re dust covers, there was an informal poll here, and most of us declared a preference for no dust cover. To a novice I’d say try it both ways and choose for yourself. It’s easy to do.

As to headshell or no headshell, in theory it’s obvious a straight shot from cartridge to phono input is best. In practice I don’t hear a difference for higher output cartridges but perhaps it makes a small difference for the very lowest output cartridges. Difficult to say because you’re never doing it both ways with the very same tonearm. If there is an audible difference it’s so close I don’t fret over it.