Chokes or inductors are the same thing. They have varied applications. are fixed inductors primarily intended to "choke" off alternating currents, including rf from DC lines. The "rf choke" is designed to have a high imp. over a greater span of the freq range.
Its in the application that one must approach appropriately. On paper it could seem as you say, yet the usual compliment of power storage in these pc back up units is nearly insignificant
as opposed to the requirements of perhaps a preamp, and certainly, an amp request routinely.
There are other considerations too. Abrupt changes in supplied power, spikes, and low voltage issues arent as quickly or even at times addressed by such units adequately enough that Id want to place my $$$$$ whozit in the hands of one of these tinker toy gizmos given my own exp with them on lower voltaged computers & computer peripherals.
The problem with so many RS or likewise, uninterrupted power supplies is that they are not full wave units either, with their resupplied emergency voltage. Neither do they attend to other areas of inadvertent untoward electrical problems. Unless you have inplace a good elec. Service, and other power conditioning/filtering devices, these low end units tend to leak back DC into the service itself while in standby and during charging. This result can appear as a ground loop sort of incident, and create some significant issues with an audio system. What Ive experienced in the past was so similar to what a ground loops effects are it is difficult to determine the cause immediately. Especially if you have no previous experiences in that area.
The sibilance increases, the highs become glaring and brittle, and the overall sound is hardened or seems harsher. Usually the evidence is perceived in the upper midrange and on into the treble.
When an incident did occur with one of these (my only one) RS battery back up power sups, the only thing the makers of the unit were inclined to do, following a return and subsequent inspection, was to replace the unit
. And nothing towards the now blown out PC!
Their support tech informed me of the half wave vs. full wave units, and their attributes. Finding out the cost for a full wave unit then, I simply gave the replaced & then fresh unit to my pizza delivery man. The negative sonic issues only arose after a few days of charging the dry cells within the UPS back up unit. Now I just use PS Audio passive filters for the various computers. Either Duets, or a UPC-200.
Ive had no further factual or perceived electrical issues which overtly affect my various systems.