Choice of amplifier

I have a pair of Triangle Celius speakers, and I would like to upgrade my amplifier (currently Mcintosh MA6450). Here are the finalists:

- Mark Levinson integrated 383
- Combination McCormack DNA225 and RDL-1
- Combination Mcintosh MC2200 and MC 275 IV

Which one do you think is the best fit? Thanks
I too would recommend the MAC. I think you will find the Levinson & McCormack gear to sound excessively bright with the Triangles.
I was extremely impressed with the MA2275 as well and it would get my vote. So far, I have only heard it at the dealers but I want to try one in my system soon. It seems to do everything right. And it will love your speakers - it'll be an awesome match up.

The Mcintosh combo, but forget the c2200 and mk4 275. Just get the 2275 integrated and with the money you save buy a nice quad of genalex output tubes. Ive heard the 383 but not the Mcormack set you've mentioned. With the performance the MA2275 gives you I dont see spending 3000 more for seperates and interconnets worth pursuing.