Chip amps, not spoken about much, except on the diy sites.

I will try and make this a reasonable amount of reading for you all, while keeping it real. I also feel blessed, that the speakers I live with and enjoy so much, can be driven with any amp on the planet.......I consider myself an ampoholic, and in the last 5 years or so, I have been listening and evaluating all of my treasured amps to determine what I will not listen to anymore ( this after buying my 1st Nuforce STA200 ). 15 months ago, I came across an ad here for a Dalaudio Retro 4780, and contacted the seller through email ( what a super member, being a pleasant and easy transaction, on so many levels ). I was intrigued, for a few reasons. 1st, all this talk about class D; 2nd, I have not seen many chip amps for sale by owners ( except diy ); 3rd, I had 1st hand experience with the " Gainclone " amp and it’s Humpty power supply in ’98 /’99 ( I believe that was the time ). 4th, as my amp collection was getting smaller, I was experiencing an emptiness within me. Many reasons for that, with covid being one. 5th, wanted to try something new. 6th, and of course, all of the online and yt reviewers, whom I will not discuss, because of politics. So, after I received the chip amp, and living with it for a few weeks, it went back into my inventory, replaced with another. So, returning home after spending a nice VsD with my gf, I connected the Dal again ( all the while, I did my complete chassis damping thing to it, as it needed it badly ), and it has been playing in my main rig, since then. My thoughts................... Holy Mama ! More to come. Enjoy ! MrD.


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I may have purchased the last LM3875 chip amp kit from Peter Daniel who is likely still selling completed Patek chip amps. In this case, all wiring is about as short and simple as you can imagine. The power supply uses a 330VA transformer that seems scary big for a 40 WPC amp. I will make a chassis for it now, since I find it far beyond worthy for my system. I bet the total parts cost will end up being less than $300 or so. 

 FWIW, I am presently building a 50 WPC class D amp designed Peter Millett. It is a different animal that's for sure, using a pair of Korg SP1 triode for inputs! Still working out a kink in the amp, but this is the second one that I have built. I am quite anxious to horse race these two amps, but I expect that the PM will give a warmer sound.

 In each case a Nelson Pass B1K preamp will feed these amps.