Chime in if you bought a second table that cost a fraction of your main table.

Let’s say this will be for those who have or had a main turntable setup in which the table and tonearm retail for $7K or more. You then went out and purchased a table/arm that retails for half (or less than half) of $7k. If this is your current or past scenario, what were your impressions. Please note: this is for someone who added the second table for the same setup, or a second system...not someone who simply downgraded. The reason for this thread is not to suggest that upgrades do not offer improvements... It’s geared more for the audio enthusiast who scratched and clawed to purchase what may be their last table. I thought it would be interesting to hear the thoughts of people who then added that lower cost table/arm, and their general experience with it coexisting with their higher priced table.


Showing 3 responses by lewm

Got 5 TTs in two systems. Love them all, but the cheapest is my Denon DP80. Only $600 when I bought mine. Sadly they’ve become more expensive since. Among new TTs, I’d go for the least expensive variant of the Technics 1200G series. IMO that will be superior to any currently available belt drive in the sub $2000 price class.

Beware if the slippery slope. The second system can become an obsession that sucks money. Your Quad 57s are the worthy beginnings of something fantastic.

I've always marveled at that Kuzma.  It's bling-y, but the bling is for a purpose. And it's true industrial art besides.