Chemically Altered Audio

Is there any interest in a discussion about home-made formulae that can significantly enhance audio quality? After reading some recent threads here, it appears that one company which had been involved in this aspect of audio is no longer in business, and has no immediate plans to reopen. I would not be making this offer if that company was still operating. My recent experiments in this area are extensive, and most of it is unique. The experiments are not influenced by the products of any other company. I would like to share the results, if it's not too controversial, and if such a discussion would not cause difficulties for anyone actively involved in the business. I certainly don't want to hurt anyone by revealing and discussing what I know. On the contrary, I would like to help open minded readers get started on some very cost effective, radical home-made solutions. I can describe in detail the steps necessary to create some home-made formulae which have proved to be very successful in my own system. I'll await reaction before I continue.

Showing 2 responses by millercarbon

I wish for more interesting posts around the ideas of this thread....
When you wish upon a star.... bonus Q: know what that means?

Transformers work because an alternating current in one wire induces a current in another wire- an effect that is greatly amplified in the presence of iron.

Why is that? Anybody? Beuller? We got guys here should know. For sure at the very least anyone mocking these tweaks ought to know. Otherwise, mocking what you know not, wow, what’s the word for behaving like that? Childish? Superstitious? Where’s WFB when you need him? 

Anyway, turns out there’s lots better stuff than iron. Which we know by trying. Greatly increases transformer performance. Even though its not in the circuit. Just like iron. 

How’s that for interesting? My even more interesting question is: If it works with the alternating current in the transformer then what reason is there to think it won’t work with the alternating current in a speaker cable?

My discoveries are made via practical experiments, not scientific theories.

People would be surprised how often this is the case. Synergistic Research Element series cables were not the result of theory but came about when Ted Denney simply decided to see if there were metals on the periodic table of elements that had been overlooked. He simply made up wires and had people listen. Tungsten it turns out has awesome midrange. Practical experiment. Not theory.

Tekton is another one. Just look at the boobs can't believe the reviews simply because they can't get past the theory that says there must be comb filtering or whatever. So there definitely is an advantage in just trying things and finding out what works. Only wish more of these wanna bee losers would stop boring us with their "that can't be" BS and shut up until they know - which they only will by trying.

Static is a much bigger problem than is generally realised. On cables, a massive problem. Static spray doesn't cut it.

Right. Been saying that for years now. I spray and it definitely makes a difference but it also definitely only lasts a very short time. Not even hours but minutes. This is in a room where static electricity never seems to be a problem. Never a zap or obvious static charge. Yet its there and yes it is mostly on the speaker cables. Not nearly so much on other stuff. Also that is why cable elevators work, as it can be shown it is not just the distance above the floor but the electrical insulating properties of the support that matters most.

Everything matters and so its actually kind of easy finding stuff like this that makes a difference. Its even fairly easy finding stuff that makes a difference for the better. What's hard and takes so much time is figuring out how to get it just right so the improvements are balanced and organic across the full range of audio performance. The vast majority of what's out there is not all that. So a list of ingredients is all fine and wonderful but its the ratio and method that makes all the difference.