Check This Out!

Just wanted to make audiophile community aware, anyone looking for a DAC must check out Galle DAC from Cinnamon Audio. The feedback from two recent buyers was very inspiring and they bought the DAC after listening.

"The Galle DAC: we’ve crafted a DAC that delivers a natural, lush sound with remarkable dynamics and harmonic richness"

Cutting edge R2R, 27 bit ladder, laser cut the resistors to hit 0.1% tolerance; installed directly into the circuit board for a bargain price of $12,995

You can hear this DAC at Capitol Audio, courtesy @gestalt audio.


Showing 1 response by deep_333

WOW 12,995 for a Dac,that's way out of my price range...

Don't worry too much....if you're going for just sonics, you can get 99% of the sound with some dacs in the ~3k price range. 

There are a couple of genuine gems in the high end for that 1%, but...plenty of garbage out there propped up by the paid press as well.

Unless you have construction from scratch and pertinent treatment to address the room resolution bottleneck, ya heard nothing from 'ultra' high end..especially the guy with the finished garage and non-funtional panels thrown around (haphazardly).