Check this out.


Interesting. 24.XX each.


Showing 11 responses by oldhvymec

Hay you got me. It's show and tell. I just happened across it. Interesting I thought.

Hay guys I’m just nosey. There was a guy that chimed in a while back and had some really good input. He/She was and had been tinkering with different fuse concoctions.. I find it amazing, the time and effort that goes into some of these things... BUT I’m a born tinker.

ebm I’ll try a little harder on the entertainment, if you’ll expand beyond 3 lines.
I suspect all of the words, in ALL your post would add up to: Two of Master M. 3 of MC and depending on my meds, I could be ahead or behind them both but still exceed all the words ever written by Mr. ebm with just 4-5 post max. The 14th apostle, man of few word. His written works were written on the last page at the bottom.

The 67th book of the Bible "ebm"

Chapter 1 verse 1: Another STUPID thread. Get a life!!


PS I think there are 5 verses maybe 6.

Looks like like a slow blow. I might have gotten the wrap a little tighter, if you look there is space between the center and the wrap. It dissipates the heat quicker and the filament is stabilized. I would have put a silver cap on one end and a copper with gold plate on the other end. Things I noticed, things I might have changed. :-)

It also relieves your pocket book of 125.00-175.00 less than a lot of others. I'll make my own goop! Thank you.


I suppose you think the earth is round? I believe in the hollow earth theory too. :-)
Volcanos are overrated, you know that they really are, that's right middle earths sewage back up, why do you think they smell that way. YUK! Clean up tectonic plate # 8 Vesuvius. Serious bean eaters I hear..

Master M.

We can only put food in the bowl and ASK the starving man to eat. Most will eat, live and learn. Then there are those that say " I’ve never eaten that before" and push it away. They didn’t live, they didn’t learn and what they passed on, was a good example of what "NOT to be". DEAD! But you know me, live and let live (or die) in this case.

There’s the water, HORSE, drink if you want. I’m not gonna shove it down anyone’s throat.

Time to give the dog a bath.. Messin’ with the skunks again.


I know, spent big money on room treatments and such to only pull it all out later realizing the untreated room sounded better. Yes, it happens. I am talking about paying industry professionals to measure and treat the room. Pulled it all out!


I'm going to say this without reservation, you got the wrong guys.

They were professional in the fact that they took THEIR readings in YOUR room and you let them do what they thought was best. It looks like a lot of work because it is. YOU didn't like what they did to your room and it took you how long AFTER, to figure that out? Unless the gear, speakers, trees, couches, dogs, cats, pigs kids and curtains were up, the JOB was only 1/2 done. You need to approve the sound, not the work. THAT is what they were trying to repair, fix, modify, sell and dazzle you with, "Their Professionalism".

Why did these pros leave you in the wings wanting to tear everything back down.. You lost me all together there.

"realizing the untreated room sounded better."

My point is just like Master M always says. "LISTEN for yourself" You don't call in pros unless you really can't figure it out and are willing to learn how. I don't know maybe you have plenty of money. Why did you call in someone else to do the work to begin with? Why would they leave you anything but a whole lot happier?

The last observation (kinda) did you take it down? I'm chuckling to myself thinking, "If I paid all this money and I take it down and it sounds worse, how am I going to explain that" TO anyone.

First: Why did you let the guys sell you a bunch of stuff that didn't work for you and then let them walk away. You talked yourself into thinking "It sounds better no matter what"?


Second: Your deaf in one ear and going deaf in the other. Hope not.. but it's looking that way.. :-)

The only other thing is going kitty corner, I personally have done it, a few times. That can minimize a lot of unneeded room treatment for that set up. The room has it's own persona to dictate a little less of a studio look and still have a decent amount of control over any music genre. Know your room. Know what a room will do.

I can't stand when a system is limited by "that sounds bad on my system" not because of a bad recording, the room sucks.. :-) 

Fresh repaired C2500 goes back into rotation today.. Love that preamp, love that remote.. 


So just the way they are? Do they show a bypass arrow in the schematic, too? No goop or contact enhancer? That’s good to know.. I quit using fuses on all my SS amps. Breakers work and I’ve yet to loose an amp behind one. Two breakers, one in the amp one in the 120vac maintainer the circuit breaker and the main. Geez.

I really need a fuse supplying my power amps with a piece of wire smaller than a pubic hair. Makes ZERO since (I think that is the right since). Dumbest idea on the planet. Oh it might hurt the amp.. Blow up for all I care. Pubic fuse amp anyways.

Thanks I have a few pieces I'm very careful with. All the tube stuff and preamps. I just make sure the fuse circuit is sound. I don't cut corners on any of the vintage or a couple of my Carys. I have to much time getting it the way I like. I used SR in three of 5 places in a V12R. They made zero difference before the power supply. Weird thing was the power cable did.. No idea, the wife even said no difference. She can really hear.. 


Time to pick up a few..

rixthetrick you have a spirt of "it might work", for that I commend you. My wallet opens like an old creaky door. The folded money may crumble in your hand. Lets put it this way there is no security strip in my cash..

IF someone hadn’t given me a handful of SR fuses I would have never tried them. I did I paid him for the fuses. I used ACMEs and had from their inception. 80-90s. I was also a fan of over capping the crap out of power supplies and using a knife edge switch to charge the caps and then flip on the fused switch let the fuse take over and flip the knife edge back off. WHY?

It doesn’t super heat and add resistance to that itty bitty fuse element. Some of the fuses elements MOVE when you fire up a unit.. You really think that doesn’t affect the SQ?

Then I went to breakers in all my SS power amp. I leave any thermal shut down in place and remove the cheesy fuse circuit.. I use to use Pass design. Adcom 55-5800. Then Threshold. I still have them. Krells had a cheese ball 5 dollar fuses circuit, KRELL. 5-40k amps 5 dollar fuse holder made out of rhodium.. Worst on the planet..

I use Class Ds now first thing to come out is the fuse circuit. 5 dollar fuse holder in 2-4K amps.. stupidest thing I’ve ever seen.. Look at most pro amps they have a circuit breaker and cost 3-700.00 dollars?

Makes you wonder who is in cahoots with who.. Amp guys with the fuse guys or the fuse guys with the amp guys? BOTH. Neither, that would be spooky if they both thought stick fuses were better. Fuse makers and amp builders..

No fuses in a megaphone. :-)


I have a hunch that it has something to do with suppressing metal on metal micro arcing.


I made mention of nano or micro arching and a seemingly smart fellow thought I was watching to much Star Teck. Then I pointed to a reference in the 2003 EE good book. I didn't write the stuff they did.. One of the main reason for chip failure especially in the nano/tech world.. 

Space is a bad place to have a bad signal.. No cell service.. BAD nano! :-)
