Check out

I was turned on to by United Home Audio, it was mentioned in their email newsletter, so props to them. It's a great site, very simple, all single disc cd's are $5.99 and shipping is free. Multi-discs are just the number of idscs times $5.99. There is nothing out of the ordinary about these discs, they're the same masterings you get anywhere else. I've seen plenty of K2's and other remasters in the site, and they usually tell you when something is remastered. The selection is good, not great, but again at the price it's tough to complain. That's about it, the only catch, not a catch really, is that you need to buy at least one cd per month. Since after two days I already have twelve discs in my queue, I don't see it really being an issue. Check it out, and just so everyone knows I'm in no way affiliated with YourMusic, though I wish I owned it, nor UHA either. Happy listening!

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I'm using them, but am running out of choices. No titles by Rolling Stones grateful dead and other major bands. Get whatever you can from them and then quit. It's a great deal while it lasts.