Cheapest courier

Can you guys recommended reliable couriers cheaper than FedEx ($577) & USPS ($425) for shipping monitors from US to UK? Package is 67lb 30" x 12" X 17". 



Showing 4 responses by infection

while the government drones work at a frustrating pace somewhere between glacier speed and continental drift.


Thanks akg_ca. Indeed you are correct;  peace of mind & reliability is worth the cost.
Although I've found this site which offers excellent prices --
Try delivering directly to cargo airlines so they can be claimed in the destination airport.

Can you elucidate please? 
Thanks Peter.

Yes further inquiries reveal that the airline only accepts packages from a company who have an account with them & you have to drop the parcel at the airport. 
I'll be using the link I posted above. 

I appreciate your input guys.