Cheap Transport

I'm currently using a NAD 541i CDP connected to a Simaudio Moon intergrated. I am getting a Museatex Meitner modifed DAC this week.

First, I'm kinda in suspense, should I hear a difference using this DAC?

Secondly, I realize the NAD wont be an ideal transport, is there something that I could buy in the short term to replace the NAD that would do a much better job? I'd like to do it on the cheap. If there is no point then I'll simply use the NAD untill funds are available to buy a better transport.
Proceed CDD.Used bargain-Very good transport.Replaced mine with M Levinson 37.Proceed DAP dac also selling used now for relatively little money.
You should definately get a proper transport. I have recently compared my Theta Data Basic II to Marantz CD 63 KI Signature - which is a great CD player - and the difference was not subtle. More air, better resolution and much smoother sound.

Digital cable, although important, doesn't make such a dramatic difference as transport itself.

You can get a Theta Data Basic II in mint condition for as little as 500$ used.

I have also recently found and bought a Muse Model 5 CDT for a friend for a mere 350$. It is also a very good transport.
You already own one. If I recall correctly (always a poor assumption), the jitter specs on the 541i are supposed to be fairly good. I don't remember where I saw that, but maybe someone else can recall.

My guess is that you would have to spend considerably more to notice a difference. You might focus on a better cable first.
