Myu Signature One was installed just a week ago and so far I am loving it - it is clearly not broken in yet as it is very audibly breaking in! They reckon about 50 hours for full break in.
Showing 2 responses by mgw
@dodgealum sitting here listening to Roxy Music’s Country Life just now, it has never sounded so good. The cartridge is mounted on my heavily modded SME 309 (fixed headshell, rewired with Nordost Valkyrja cable from cartridge tags to phonos) on my Michell Gyro SE Bronze (again heavily modded, Orbe spindle upgrade, rubber coated springs, SI3N4 ball bearings in the main bearing and suspension posts) with HR PSU. I believe the Gyro SE is unique having modded it from a full scale Gyrodec Bronze. |