Showing 4 responses by dodgealum
Just circling back now that I have the Charisma broken in on my new Sempersonus TE-2/TW Raven arm/WyWires Platinum phono cable. I've got at least 50 hours on the cartridge. My previous vinyl playback system was a custom VPI Scout "Supreme"--basically a Prime Signature built on the smaller Scout plinth--with a 3D-10 gimbaled tonearm, Nordost reference wiring (arm and RCA junction box), HRX mini feet, Prime motor, platter and bearing. Mounted to the arm was a Soundsmith MIMC Star. Phono cable was by VPI. Unfortunately, I am not able to comment exclusively on the Charisma Signature One since I did not run it in place of the MIMC Star on the VPI. Rather, I installed it on the TE-2/Raven/WyWires so comments are really attributable to the entire playback system. That said, everything I heard of the Signature One at High Water Sound and described above applies here. I am amazed at the sound I am getting. The system has incredible musicality--flow, timing, pace and drive--along with the full spectrum of "modern" analogue qualities--inner detail, soundstaging, imaging, speed, transient fidelity. I am surprised that the gains over the VPI are so signficant, given the excellent performance of my Scout Supreme. The Signature One--mounted as described--is an amazing transducer and I suspect a giant killer at its price point. I liken it to my previous ART 9 in many ways--at $1K you are getting very close to reference quality sound--the Signature One is there. |
Since my OP I have had the opportunity to speak with Bernard Li at Charisma Audio and to hear his new Signature One cartridge at High Water Sound in NYC. Jeff Catalano at HWS was kind enough to set the Signature One up for me on his reference TW Acustic table which was equipped with the 12" Raven tonearm. While the system was clearly top tier and entirely unfamiliar to me, I was very impressed with the cartridge build quality, finish, packaging and, most importantly, sound quality. I have been fortunate to hear a few world class systems in my audio lifetime and this was clearly one of them. The presentation was extremely well balanced and tonally correct, with gobs of detail that was not thrust into your face but rather emerged from a very black backdrop. Nothing seemed out of place or spotlighted. There was tremendous coherence and a very natural, musically compelling sonic picture created. Speaking to Bernard before my visit was a real pleasure--he is kind, passionate, knowledgeable and humble. He has clear design parameters and the skills to join carefully selected materials to reach his sonic objectives. He is also resolute in standing behind his products with long-term support should repairs be needed or a retip or rebuild be required. I ended up purchasing the 12" Raven tonearm and Charisma Signature One cartridge for my new Sempersonus TE-2, which should be shipping in the next few weeks. I'll circle back and let you all know how the package performs compared to the VPI that has been replaced. |
@mgw Thanks for chiming in and reviving this thread. Let us know how things progress after break in. I’ve since moved my Signature One over to a Pure Fidelity Harmony with an Origin Live Conqueror. Interesting to compare the two tables by keeping the cartridge constant. Nice to discover that the Charisma plays nicely in a different arrangement—still loving it! |