Channels reversed in streaming versions of older albums

I was going back and forth between the turntable and streaming, comparing some albums and songs.  I noticed on Al Stewart Year of the Cat, the channels were reversed on the streaming version.  Then I semi randomly pulled out Clapton Unplugged, and the same thing.  It didn't matter which music service I played it from, Amazon, Qobuz and Tidal.

I did verify with the HFN&RR test record that my turntable is correctly hooked up.  Then I found a test record stream from one of the services, and it too played correctly with the left/right test.

Is this a common thing?  It's kind of annoying, you'd think the digital transfers/remasters would have gotten it right.
Your experiences are interesting. I know if the channels were reversed on music I'm familiar with it would bug me. Not much streaming for me, but LZ1 story was an eye opener, thanks.
I’d say an orchestra on a major label that's streaming reversed channels is a major screwup by somebody. The CD btw is correct.

It didn’t matter which music service I played it from, Amazon, Qobuz and Tidal.
If the stereo channels are reversed on multiple platforms, then the master from the label or mastering studio is at fault.
Maybe a studio has a contract to transfer these old albums and distribute them for streaming. If so, it would be like assembly line work and they’re screwing up big time.

Jimmy Page said that the original LZI master was reversed. His 2014 remaster is correct. On LZ I there are other incorrect channel swaps.

I found a symphony on Qobuz with reversed channels. It was playing in the background so I didn't notice. As soon as I sat down and restarted the track, it was obvious. With my OCD I couldn't listen to it so I swapped cables.

Led Zeppelin I also, Plant singing "Babe" (first sung word) on my first press UK copy comes from the left, on the remaster digital streams comes from the right.

Another annoying thing about digital I guess.  I haven't tried any classical yet.  That would be really weird hearing the violins on the wrong side of the stage.
I haven't noticed, but it doesn't surprise me. The younger generations don't pay much attention to musical details... The real audio engineers are dead or working in much higher paying jobs. They probably hire people for their computer skills, not audio talent.