Channel D Lino C vs. Sutherland Little Loco

Did anybody have chance to compare above two phono stages?
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I really appreciate what transimpedance does for an optimal LOMC pickup.

I’ve been using one version or another of the Loco for probably close to 5 years.

For all my friends who’s systems demand a true balanced signal, I always recommend Channel D with zero regrets.

For those with a killer Tube based MM (simple) phono preamp there’s always the Sutherland SUTz transimpedance head-amp 🤩

Now that Sutherland has the Dos Locos hoping to revive this thread to see if someone out there has experience with it and the Channel D Lino 3.3.

Are there any concerns about purchasing a Channel D Lino C when it comes to the battery? I suppose there is no way of knowing how much “life” the battery will have left. Correct?

@500homeruns Battery life is  '3 - 5 years ( or more ) ' according to Channel D web- site and manual. My Lino C 2.2 was bought in 2020-21 and the battery is still fine with 5-6 hours of continous use. I was told to keep it away from direct sun light. During the summer months, my room would heat up to 33 degree celsius when not listening to music which is not good for battery life. But so far, the heat has not affected the performance of the battery. A replacement battery is aroung $50. 

So I gather the Lino C depends upon a $50, non-rechargeable battery??? That's not much compared to the cost of the unit, but on the other hand what would put me off is running out of juice at a critical moment or a subtle effect on performance as the battery charge wanes but not sufficiently to trigger a warning light, if such exists.