Changing from my pl600 (silver, DD) but I have shaky hands

I do realize my Pioneer pl600 is the weak in my audio chain. I currently use an ortofon 2m bronze. Considering an upgrade to a Hana mL cartridge. I fear that much more cartridge than that would outstrip my turntable’s ability, at least to be worth the additional cost.

Regarding my hands, I am 49 and have essential tremors (different than Parkinsons). For me to continue with vinyl, I fear that an automatic turntable is what I need

Regarding my other electronics, I have a gold note ds10+ and a ph10. preamp and 211s amp is new audio frontiers. Speakers are the wolf von Langa son, all on a Beaudioful rack


So I feel that the rest of my system is able to handle an analog/turntable upgrade. Given my physical limitations, is there something I am missing? For what it’s worth, I have a spare silver pl600 that is at least parts worthy


I don’t do all vinyl. I stream a lot. But I do enjoy listening to my albums















Showing 3 responses by mijostyn

@wvl , The PH 10 is a fine phonostage. If you really want to go moving coil I suggest you go for a Lyra Delos. If you lean towards rock and jazz you probably would be happier with the 2M LVB. To get a moving coil that dynamic you would have to spend a lot more money. 

I am not a big fan of step up transformers. But, that is a different topic.

@wvl , Lets start off with some things that you can verify. The Ortofon 2M LVB 250 is $1000.00, the Hana ML is $1200.00 and requires an additional step up device or a more expensive phono stage. Now look at a close up picture of both cartridges. The Hana ML base is roughly machined. It has a large aluminum tube cantilever. The far end is squished together and the stylus pressed into a hole. Now look at the 2M LVB. Everything is neat and tidy. The cantilever is boron and 1/3rd the diameter, the naked diamond is glued to the very tip of the cantilever. Which one do you think has the lowest moving mass? The LVB will out track a Hana by a country mile. It will be much more dynamic and have more powerful bass. A good moving magnet or iron cartridge will run circles around any cheap moving coil. Moving coils do not come into their own until you are spending at least 3K on a phono stage and 4K on a cartridge. The best inexpensive moving coil is the Lyra Delos @ 2K but the Lyra Cleos at $3600 is handily worth the upgrade

Now I will be totally politically insensitive. The Hana became so popular because it was cheap. Real men run moving coil cartridges now I can be a real man for cheap. "But, people say they sound great," you say. And, I will tell you that most people have no idea what they are listening to. If they did they would have saved themselves some money and gotten the 2M.  Forgetting about what the Hana sounds like it, is a cheaply constructed device using cheap components and some clever marketing.  @rauliruegas Hey Raul can I have some help here?

@wvl , the Hana is a big mistake. Go get a 2M Black. Then have a large glass of wine, take the stylus out and have at it!