Change cartridge?

My pro-ject 1.2 turntable has apparently bit the dust. Tech guy says it needs a new motor which you can’t get. In the meantime I bought a nonfunctional BIC 960 for $35 and followed the YouTube videos on repairing it.   It’s now mostly functioning (auto return doesn’t work) and sounds pretty good. 

it has an audiotechica cartridge which is white and I don’t know what kind and a red stylus with a guard. I have no idea how old they are but clearly not original.  I assume it was replaced in the 80s. Think it’s a conical stylus because the BIC has an adjustment for elliptical and conical and conical sounds way better. 

it does sound a bit fuzzy which makes think stylus replacement . If I know it’s a audiotechna cartridge can I buy any audiotechnica stylus or should I replace both cartridge and stylus. 

And any ideas for reviving the pro-ject. Not sure I have the mechanical chops to deal with motors. 


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