CES is almost upon us.

Just received my 2004 CES badge today, and thought it's never to early to see who else will be coming here. I wasn't able to meet with the other A-goner's that came this year, so to avoid missing out again, I'd like to see who's coming next year and if there will be a A-gon round up again?

Showing 2 responses by peter_s

I'll be there too. No hotel reservations yet. Looking forward to it. Last year was a blast!
Ed, the Harbeth's are great! I've got them here in my office system, powered by an Odyssee Stratos Dual Mono, a N.E.W. tube preamp, the Jolida CDP and a TT. Alot of fun.

I would be happy to compile a cell phone list and circulate it before the show. If people want to email me their name, Agon moniker, and cell phone number, I'll compile it and send it out to all who contact me before the show. Let 'er rip!
